Monday, August 31, 2009

I sent the missionary another package...

... i want to make sure he knows his momma loves him!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School started....

Last Thursday , Friday and Saturday Riley crammed in all of his summer asignments for AP Chemistry and AP English. He was either at soccer practice or doing homework with his amigos.
(other kids that had procrastinated also) It was totally crazy... they started early, worked all day and into the night. Maybe next summer they will remember the fun and start a wee bit earlier.
Alas he did get it done by the first day.
Here is the cute boy going to school on Monday...
bright and early - 5:45 AM on his way to Seminary!

It is hard to believe the school year has started.
Sunday night, the traditional night for back to school Father's blessings, we sat with just Riley.
Mike only had one blessing to give, still not used to the empty house.
This has been a wild and busy summer but we have had so much fun.
We are getting into the routine of school, that early alarm is still hard to get used to.
P.S. We got a letter from the missionary and he is doing great!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Week...

It all started on Sunday with a little lunch for family that had traveled in for the big event.

We were blessed to have family come to town. Some had even traveled down and back in the same day. We Love Family! They are truly a Gift from God.

We went to Church where Sam did a great job on his talk. He talked about the importance of being obedient. Obedience does create a simpler life. Life is better when you live the gospel.

Monday night, the Stake President came and set Sam apart as a Missionary for
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We like to take pictures of every event in our life. Sam was sporting a goofy tie before the Stake President came.

The family with the new Elder...
Tuesday we headed to Salt Lake...

Sam's Grandfather (a former Mission President) gave Sam some counsel and a blessing.
Wednesday we headed down to Provo...
We had some breakfast, yummy food and more fabulous family time.
And we were not sure if we had enough pictures so we went to the Temple for some more!

Then the Heartwrenching part.... we went to the MTC and dropped off the cute boy
I do like the drive thru drop off. It is definitely better than the old way...
There is no easy way to say goodbye to your child for two years.
I am going to miss this boy and this smile, but this adventure is the best
Two Years for his life. What a blesssing that he made the choice to serve a mission.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Riley's Birthday...

For Riley's Birthday dinner we had smores and hot dogs on the beach complete with party hats! Followed by brownies for cake at the hotel.