Monday, August 27, 2018

The Ranch

Another fun weekend at the ranch.

I finished a project I have been working for a few years. 

Sam decided to give a try at fishing with the Flinders.
He caught this beauty and quickly released it.

Smores for the win.

We watched the moon come up.

Went to "cowboy church".

Sam and the Flinder boys.

So glad Steph came with us.

It was a great weekend with all the usual fun ranch activities.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Rye goes to Penn State

Summer was not long enough.
Rye was home working at an internship at Hill Air Force Base.
Steph moved in to be by Riley...
Then the time came for Rye to go to Penn State
where he is pursuing his Masters in Mechanical Engineering

It was a sad morning when he and Mike set off to drive across the country.
Now I have two kids on the East Coast.  ugh...

Sam loaded the car and amazingly got in all of Rye's stuff and just like that they were off.

Excited for Rye and what he will learn.
Sad to have my kids spread out.
still love them all...