Sam, Kassidy & Carson at the family dinner
The Festive Dessert...Thank you Andrea!
Riley, Katie & Grandma Sid
Grandma Sid & Grandpa Gary
Ethan bonding with "Lion." Sam nicknamed Kassidy "Lion" because her hair got bigger in the humidity and he got little Ethan to call her "Lion" too.

Carson, Andrea, Tara, Bobby & Scott on the 4th

Riley, Katie, Kassidy & Sam at the Family dinner on the 4th.

Sam & Kassidy waiting for the fireworks.

Scott & Andrea

Wrestling while waiting for the fireworks.

Katie said she would pay the boys $5 bucks to run down the beach with their towels Superman style. So of course they did it...

Sam & Riley

Katie checking the phone... Did Jeremy text or call?

We wish we could say we built these Sand Castles... They were quite impressive.