Last Thursday , Friday and Saturday Riley crammed in all of his summer asignments for AP Chemistry and AP English. He was either at soccer practice or doing homework with his amigos.
(other kids that had procrastinated also) It was totally crazy... they started early, worked all day and into the night. Maybe next summer they will remember the fun and start a wee bit earlier.
Alas he did get it done by the first day.
Here is the cute boy going to school on Monday...
bright and early - 5:45 AM on his way to Seminary!

It is hard to believe the school year has started.
Sunday night, the traditional night for back to school Father's blessings, we sat with just Riley.
Mike only had one blessing to give, still not used to the empty house.
This has been a wild and busy summer but we have had so much fun.
We are getting into the routine of school, that early alarm is still hard to get used to.
P.S. We got a letter from the missionary and he is doing great!