I have a new church calling... I went from working with the dead (Family History Consultant) to the very young (The Nursery). It actually is my favorite calling, I love the sweet little children! The only trick is...they did not release me from my other calling yet...or find someone to do the bulletin ( I have been filling in since Katie left for college) I was reminding Mike that three callings was a bit much. I actually think being "Bishop's Wife" is enough of a calling. I am the girl that keeps him running. I can't complain...Life is good.
White Chicken Chili (Peggy)
1 month ago
I could only hope you are with my little Ryan, but I don't think so. But, he does have good leaders in his nursery. I saw that smile on your face when you stood up to be sustained. You couldn't hide that you were happy.
I am so happy for you!!! I also have a great love for the nursery children!!! They are going to love you! I will miss you in Relief Society!
I feel sorry for the person who has to fill your shoes in the family history calling. No one knows more than you on that stuff. And good luck getting out of your other two callings. I don't know why but that might not be at the top of Bishop Creer's todo list.
You are a superstar! If anyone can do it- it's you!
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