Sunday, January 20, 2008

Riley could have a new career...

Riley was posing as a 12 year old Jesus for a woman in
our ward who is an artist.

It was hard for him to keep a straight face, but I think he did a pretty good job.


Vanessa said...

That's pretty cool. Was that for Heather? Who's the girl and how did Rye feel being painted as a 12 year old?!

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

How long did Riley have to stand still? Impressive.

Life these days...... said...

BARBARA!!!! I am so glad you have a blog. (this is taeya francom by the way) We didn't call you back because your number never saved into my phone. & I still do'nt have a ward directory.So call me!!!!!! If you don't see this blog befor Sunday I'll talk to you at church!
I am so so sorry!!!!!
PS. your son makes a great Jesus statue =)