Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day to all!
"Anyone can catch your eye,
but it takes someone special to catch your heart."
— Anonymous

Riley & I spent the afternoon at the DMV.
He now has a learner's permit.
How could my baby have a permit....


Katie said...

wow rye.... attractive smile. haha. just playing. mom, riley will be a good driver. probably better than all of us.. or at least me anyways. (the heart wreath is really cute)

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Riley is going to get behind the wheel?! Maybe he should prove himself on the scooter first... I don't think Katie is using it much these days in Utah.

Anonymous said...

what's with the skull on the tee shirt?

Chris and Elaine said...

Congratulations, Riley! Now you can tell Scott all the things he is doing wrong like he did to me when he had his permit. Ha Ha-Sis. Albright