Saturday night we went out for a nice dinner with some friends. We were driving home and this red pick up truck almost turned into us as he was leaving a bar. He proceeded to drive without his lights on and seemed to be all over the road. Then he went up on the median for a while...weird. We decided to do our civic duty and call 911 to report him. We followed him and watched him try to enter the 215 on the off ramp. He noticed his error and did a U turn and then another U turn and he made it onto the correct "on" ramp. We decided to follow him, this was more excitment than we had seen in a long time. Mike was still talking to 911 at this point. Then this guy realizes we are following him and tries to lose us. Luckily the family van can keep up. 80 is a speed we have seen before... This guy is weaving all over, sometimes down the middle, his truck even scraped the concrete barrier on the left side of the road. He will wonder where those scratches came from later. Our friends were totally involved and getting into the thrill of watching and tracking the truck. 911 relayed Mike to The Highway Patrol and they told us to turn on our flashers and stay with him. Several entrances down the road, we saw the Higway patrol car waiting on the on ramp for us to go by. They pulled over the car and told us to pull over behind and wait. Two other highway patrol vehicles then pulled over. We were sandwiched between them. The patrolmen from the car behind sprinted up. Another truck pulled over, they had also called 911. The drunk guy got out of the car and couldn't even stand up. We watched the action as they tested him, checked his breath, searched his car and handcuffed him. This was better than TV. But then I would not know about TV, we are Amish in the TV department. (I refuse to get cable and we have no reception) In the meantime we needed one witness from our car, Mike was designated, he filled out the report. The officers thanked us several times for doing the right thing to get guys like this off the road. Two hours later we headed home again, still laughing about all that had transpired.

Don't drink and drive...better yet DON'T DRINK!!
You guys really have an eye for excitement don't cha?
Glad to know Mike is still saving the world one nut job at a time.
mom...i think you need to either be amish or not be amish...maybe you should let us get cable or maybe you should invest in a horse and buggy.
Just like an episode of cops!
That is crazy!!!! Hey, we want to go out to dinner with you guys! It sounds very exciting!
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