Christmas Day!
Christmas Day was a wonderful day at home with the family.
A great day is one where you can spend the day in your PJ's,
and where the family is together all day!
Life is good!
Test Results

We finally have the test results for the boys.
Riley is negative and Sam is positive for the Factor V.
So Sam now gets a trip to the hematologist.
We just visited the Hematologist for Katie and that pesky Blood Clot is still there...
It was quite big to begin with and is dissipating very slow.
Katie gets to wear her favorite white socks and take coumadin a little longer.
We go back in June for another ultrasound and to see the Hematologist.
In the meantime Katie has tested positive for the Factor II,
which makes her more prone for a repeat clot.
Well the Dr. mentioned to me that the family would need to be tested for that now...
The continuing Saga...
Road Trip...

We took a road trip to take Katie to College! She is all moved into her new apartment! It is hard to believe this was the last time we will take her to college... Now that she is getting married she won't move home for the breaks. Jeremy had picked out a great apartment and Katie will live there by herself until they get married. It is a nice complex and some nice young man appeared to help us unload her stuff. I think they will have a lot of fun meeting all the other cute young couples. It is fun to see your kids get older and experience all the wonderful things life has to offer. Keeping with Tradition Mike and I took Katie to the grocery store to make sure she had food to eat. Katie must of realized this was the last time the Parentals were paying so she stocked up! It is hard to see your kids grow up but fun to see them embark on life's journey.
1 comment:
Oh wow those clots sound scary! Katie getting married! YIKES I'M OLD NOW!! xo
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