Sam, my favorite missionary, has been out for one year today!
Woo Hoo!
He was just transferred to Leesburg, a more rural area.
Luckily he just sent more pics!
It always makes my day.

Excerpts from the boy's letters:
I can still remember my first day out here! It seems like yesterday! I remember the first door that I knocked on too! And now I basically have a year left. I sure have learned a ton. I've really learned the importance of the Gospel and being obedient. The Gospel is so simple but at the same time not. All we have to do is follow the principles and the commandments and then we can get eternal life. Its actually doing that, that can be hard. But it sure does motivate you to do all you can. A scripture that I have studied lately is Matthew 14:30-31. Its when Peter is walking on the water and starts to sink. And the FIRST thing that he does is cry to the Lord. And he immediately pulls him up. It s a pretty cool story.
We went out to tract. and we found 3 new people. so it was pretty sweet. it was really good tracting though cause i felt the spirit a lot. and that's one of the most important things we need as missionaries.
you sure do meet some interesting people out here. but a lot of nice people. after lunch we went to an appointment with a lady they have taught a couple times. we went into the lesson just planning on following the spirit. so we start reviewing the restoration with her and making sure she understands it. then we end up talking about baptism. and before you know it elder Beckett was extending the Lords invitation to be baptized. it was sweet. so we sent a baptismal date with her for 9/11. so we are pretty excited for her.
That night for dinner we had FISH and SHRIMP!!! I couldn't believe that i ate it. the fish was talapi and it doesn't have the fishy smell. so that wasn't too bad. and he cooked it with a lot of spices. but the shrimp oh man. it wasn't too bad. but i wouldn't ever eat it for fun! sick sick.
the rest of the day we rode our bikes. the zone leaders committed the zone to one day a week not use the car. sa ya. and oh man was it stinkin' hot. it was crazy. my face was like something you would see on a gatoraid commercial or something. it was crazy. but it was pretty fun tracting.
and oh man we almost got eaten by a dog. it was nuts. we were walking up to a house and from around the corner this dog come bolting out towards us barking like crazy. and it was a angry bark too. he was like 6 inches away from my forearm gong crazy. i thought for sure he was going to take a chunk out of me. it was intense. but like after 10 seconds of barking he is wagging his tail and licking our hands. that dog was like bipolar or something.
anyways the computer is about to kick me off. but i love you all so much. you are all the best. we really do have the best family. and i'm so grateful that we get to have eternal life together. it couldn't be better. that what motivates me to be obedient to the gospel. thank you for all of your love and support. i hope you have a great week. i love and miss you all