Monday, October 30, 2017

New Knees

The surgery date came quick.
It was time whether I was ready or not.
I actually appreciated the short notice, less time to fret.
First knee done was the right knee, we thought it was the worst knee.
Cool new joints below:

Six weeks later round two, the left knee.
This knee actually was worse, it had more bone missing than the right knee.
Same recovery, they get you up and walking within hours of surgery.

I knew all was well my room number ended in 13
my lucky number.

Ice at the hospital

Ice at home... 
Mike took very good care of me.
Filled the ice machines, helped me with my exercises, 
always encouraging me that we could do this.
My sisters were great, the first two weeks after each surgery 
they took turns to come take care of me in the day.

Now the proud owner of two gnarly scars

Lots of physical therapy, ice and then naps.
I was so grateful for the six week checkup on my second knee,
the doctor said I could be done with ice.
Slept great that night with my heating pad.

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