Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Vermont for Lucy's Blessing

We headed to Vermont for Lucy's baby blessing.
It looks like we were going for a month, but Steph packed a few extra bags in preparation for moving to Pennsylvania.  Riley drove up to meet us. It was a wonderful weekend with all our little family.

Gwen was showing us all her daily life, we went to the store.

We played with toys.

We went to see the Meow's

We went to the bookstore and everyone picked out a new book.
It just happened to be a "best cookie contest"  with the proceeds going to a charity.

We explored "downtown" Manchester

Rye and Steph were happy to see each other.

Played with more toys...
Uncle Sam taught her to be an airplane
We went to the Vermont Country Store!

Jeremy's parents joined the fun weekend! 
Luckily Katie & Jeremy have a house we can all stay in, it was a party.

The big event - Lucy was blessed.
She was blessed in the same dress that Katie and Gwen wore, wrapped in a blanket her great grandmother made.

I went to Nursery with Gwen and had fun with a cool gear toy.

Uncle Sam pushes high!
A wonderful weekend with family!
Love them all.

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