This was Riley's school assignment to write about the cuts in school funding.
Riley took the satirical approach. I think it is pretty entertaining.
Sarcasm is not always good, but for this I think it proves a good point...
Deer Mr. Gibbons,
I just wants to tell you that I thinks your doing a grate job as govenor. I also wants to let you no that skool in nevada is very well. The teachers are payed so good, and my class has many kids in it. I like to be in the big class, I thinks I lern more that weigh. In the big class, I can talk and the teacher don’t know about it. The big class is more fun. Won day Phil shot a spit ball at my teacher. The hole class laughed and the teacher never saw Phil do it.
My brother Jim plays soccer at the growned up school. He is really really good. Jim says you are going to make soccer go away by giving the skool less money. Jim isn’t happy. I thinks soccer can go away. Jim can find knew things to do like play with the colored on people with the poky faces down the street. The colored on people have pictures all over their body and shiny metal on their faces. They smoke white sticks and trade flour pouches. Jim can play with them if soccer goes away.
Jim also says he wont gradute from the growned up school if you give less money. Jim says if he only has six classes he wont get enuff credits. He says he needs ate classes so he can gradute. Jim says if he can only have six classes he will just quit skool and flip boogers. I said boogers are gross and he shouldnt flip them anywear.
Have a nice day Mr. Gibbons. Remeber me and how much I learn in skool. Dont worry about Jim hes just grumpy because he didnt get a nap in skool today.
White Chicken Chili (Peggy)
1 month ago
That's hilarious. I love it. Maybe he can send it to all politicians.
I love it!! Very clever.
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