Thursday, September 5, 2013

June - Sam heads off on a Study Abroad

We were in the house for a week and then 
Sam headed off to his semester abroad.

I was grateful for Sam's help.
I was sad to drop him off at the airport.
I am so excited for the adventure he will have. 
In one month he is going to 11 countries and will have the time of his life.

For the first time I will have no kids in town.  
It is going to be a long lonely month!
Lucky I still have my sweet Mike!

Last time I moved I had all 3 darling children home to help,
we had that home unpacked in no time.
This time it has been a little slower.
Partly my fatigue, partly my lack of kids home.
Partly because I am in a new phase of life and taking loads to DI.
I am trying to not clutter up my new house.

But I love my new house.
I love my street, I love the neighbors.
We picked a great house!

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