Thursday, January 23, 2014


One of the fun things about living in Utah is the RIVALRY
between Utah and BYU.
It is fun even in our own family.
Of course Mike graduated from the U and is a devout fan.
Our kids have all attended or continue to attend BYU.
I have BYU blood from my mother and grandfather.
My dad never misses listening to a  BYU  game.
I went to the U and then a semester abroad with BYU.
so I am in the middle...

Mike and I went  to  a U basketball game and had a great time.
I can cheer for the U, it is fun when they win!

I work on the U campus at Research Park.
Everyone I work with are diehard U fans.
Most graduated from there.

I had Sam get me a BYU lanyard
for my card key to have a little diversity!

Life is good

Life is fun.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You crack me up. I love it!