Saturday, July 26, 2014

Demolition Derby

We love a Demolition Derby.
We have been going to the Heber Derby for years.
With a few years off when we lived out of state.
Sometimes we would come to town for the Derby.
Well it is a hot commodity to get tickets, 
you have to get on the exact time and they are gone fast... 
It is a sit by the computer and be ready moment.
Well we knew we would be on the cruise then 
but being a "good mom" I still got tickets for the boys.

They went and had a great time,
and Lo and behold the tickets were right next to old neighbors.

She sent this email and Pic:

Look who we happened to sit by at the demolition derby! We were actually in their seats. Romm and Canon are in front. What cute boys you have. It's fitting to see them here. The first time we came to this was with your family. Fun times!

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