Katie last Sunday with her roommates Rachel and Alicia

Katie has had some pain in her left leg. The last few days it has intensified and started to swell.
We have talked to her doctor here and felt the urgency that she see a doctor. In Iasi (aush) they do not have a doctor that BYU feels comfortable sending her to.
Yesterday Katie and Robbie (the group facilitator) took the train to Bucharest (5 hour ride).
She is at the hospital now seeing an American doctor. They are pretty sure it is a blood clot. They are doing a scan now and running some blood tests. They will have to spend the night in Bucharest so they will stay at a members home.
What a blessing to be a member of the Church, my daughter is in an unfamiliar city in a far away country and there is a member to look after her.
We will keep you updated as we find out more information.
I am happy she is in Bucarest and they are at the hospital!
We are feeling blessed that she was able to get there. Heavenly Father really loves Katie.
Katie reports that she is taking lots of pictures, I am sure she will have plenty to blog about when she gets back to Iasi.