We have had a great day. We just chose our meals from the German menu, every meal will be such a surprise. We have no idea what we ordered. We ordered different things for every meal, that raises the chance of something we will like. For a fee they let me stay in the room and eat here.
Now for the medical update, we have meet with the Vascular Surgeon, don't worry no surgeries here, he said the blood clot is firmly attached to the wall and that is good. No risk of it moving to her heart or lungs. The pain from her upper thigh was the blood clot spreading. Katie has no pain today and she has not had pain medication so it is getting better. Katie will be on the medication for a year or longer and get to wear those cute white socks till spring. Won't they look nice with her wedding dress. The Vascular Surgeon reports that we could be well enough to travel in a few days. The attending physican reports that the blood test detected an infection. He wants to do IV antibiotics and reports that Katie will probably be ready to go home in a week or so. Katie liked the Surgeon's report better, I think she is ready to leave.
We had the sweetest German family come visit tonight. The Stake President had sent them. The father and the son gave Katie a blessing and we were grateful that he did it in English. You can be in the far corners of the world and still call on the Priesthood power. What a blessing the Gospel is in our life. Thank you to everyone for your faith and prayers.
White Chicken Chili (Peggy)
1 month ago
I'm glad things are looking up! I am admire your courage to order blind fromt he menu!
Sounds like good news! We'll all be glad when you're both safely home! What a wonderful feeling to know that where ever in the world you might be that our gospel family will be there to give aid and support! Hugs to Katie!
Sky and Enrique are so happy to know that the Priesthood is there. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you both. Those TED hose are actually awesome especially for long walks. Nurses also call it, doing your max.leg exercise while in bed.One lazy exercise I have (now you know)Ha Ha Ha...Hugs and kisses to you both...
You guys are so fun - to order blind all sorts of things from the menu. What a way to lighten things up!
We're glad to hear that things are going smoothly and looking relatively good! It was so touching to read of the German family coming to offer Katie a blessing.
Hope to see you two soon!
Barb & Katie, I think the white socks and wedding dress will rock! Do they come with stripes? Can't wait to see you safely home. Ethan said we need to bring you guys treats.
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