Monday, October 6, 2008

I´m at the Hospital...Katie is coming!

I´m at the hospital and they seem very nice. It´s too bad I don´t know German. It would be a bit less confusing. Katie is on her way. Katie is traveling with a doctor who speaks English. So she was happy with that. I went and got a local cell phone (verzion has no service here) and I have talked to her several times and she is anxious to come. I called Mike in the middle of the night to make sure the phone worked to the States. Lucky for me he was coherent enough to tell me he loved me. Robby the group facililtator will be heading back to Iasi. He has been wonderful, along with Sister Lundberg, Katie has not been alone in the Romanian hospital. We are grateful for all they have done. We are almost on to the next stage of this adventure. It is always something new.


will and lori said...

Ales' here jumping in the prayer cirle. Thanx again for your positive spirit. I can see you smiling despite the situation :) Just as you didn't have to worry about anything there, we'll take care of everything here.

S. Orme said...

i'm assuming that you'll check your blog more then Katie (considering the circumstance.) I just want to tell you, and hopefully you can pass this on to Katie, but I'm praying for her and love her so much. Let her know that a lot of her friends back in provo are thinking about her.

sarah orme

Lisa Mc said...

Give Katie a hug from all of us!
Barb you are so good to make lemonade out of lemons.Our prayers are with your family.

Leslie said...

We love you guys and will continue to keep Katie in our prayers for a speedy recovery! If anyone can make it through this, it's you two!! You are such optomistic happy people!! :) GO CREER GIRLS!!! :)