Monday, October 12, 2009

No Christmas at the Post office....

I happened to be at the Post Office on Saturday mailing a package to my favorite missionary.... and they had their new Holiday Stamps...I love to send Christmas cards and plan ahead on some things, so I thought I would buy the stamps now.
well they had Hanukkah, Kwanzaa

Winter Holidays...
but no Christmas!

The world has became paranoid. I think it is great we can celebrate Religous Holidays like Hanukkah and Kwanzaa but it would be nice if we could celebrate Christmas too.

Merry Christmas!

If you don't believe me click here to see the Post Office news release.


Katie said...

way interesting... we are so concerned with being politically correct and making sure that the minority religions are celebrated that we forget to make sure that the religion of the majority is celebrated or at least represented as well. so sad!

the sociologist in me is emerging.. watch out!

Leslie said...