A sweet sister from Florida called to tell me that she had Sam to dinner tonight and he has been in her area for 6 weeks and he "is amazing". He "started awesome" and she can't image how awesome he will be at the end of his mission. She usually picks her favorite missionarys and takes them to Disney World. She is already planning to take Sam on his last P day. She thinks Sam looks exactly like Peter Pan and he could be cast as Peter Pan with that face! This sweet sister was converted three years ago and is now very busy taking care of the missionaries. What a blessing to them. What a blessing to me. What a nice Sunday night.
Hey Barb,
Brett is headed to Orlando in the morning. If only we could figure out a way for Brett to get a surprise package to him. But, Brett won't have a car while he is there.
That is a great phone call! We always knew he was going to be a great missionary! It is so nice to hear from people who see him in action!
whoa! so cool!... i miss him.
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